Sunday, November 21, 2010

Survival of Stiletto rehearsals 101

soooo.... here's what's been going on. Rehearsals are going well for our first show 'Vegas nights' and we will officially be done learning the show TOMORROW (Sunday) and will move onto 'Ultimate Broadway' on Tuesday after we preview the show in front of producers onMonday... eeeek!
I'm really NOT in the mood to blog right now... but i feel bad that i haven't been as committed as I said I would be. oh well... this whole rehearsal process hit me in the face PRETTY hard this week, gimme a break :)


SUDOKU!!!!! I go through at least 3 HARD puzzles a day :) makes me feel smart again.

pretty sure I've had at least 4 turkey burgers this week.. I CRAVE THEM after 8 hours of rehearsal everyday of the week! mmmmm.....

Grey's anatomy keeps me sane.. bailey is my favorite :)

listening to classic pop tunes such as Elvis and Frank Sinatra gives me a HEADACHE... some of my own playlist's that will NEVER be found on a cruise ship entertainment show, keeps my ears fresh and my brain relaxed!!

did you know rice cakes and peanut butter together tastes almost as good as your fatty snickers bar?? I have at least 2 everyday throughout rehearsal! fast... 10 times less calories and a GREAT source of energy!

now that you know how i survive... i tried to upload a quick clip from rehearsal but it failed :( maybe next time!

P.S. maybe this is where I'm spending my thanksgiving this year...

some good ole people watching... expensive shopping (maybe).... and great buffets are soon to come :)
but... of course I would rather be spending it with my loving family in Vancouver :/

I am thankful for all of you who are reading this and even the ones who aren't :)
love you and miss you all.


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